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The Windsor Know

McCrumb, Sharyn
Elizabeth Macpherson tries to get married while solving murders and disappearances.



The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter

McCullers, Carson
A group of people in a Southern town. Deaf-mute guy, teen girl, cafe owner, the black doctor and his daughter, and others. Nicely written.



The Member Of The Wedding

McCullers, Carson
This book was hard to read. That is, it went very slowly, and I found myself re-reading portions I had glazed over. Being a little paperback did not help! Some of it was a bit disturbing, too. I'm glad I read it. Maybe I'll watch the movie sometime. And I wonder how Frankie turned out in the end.



The Wright Brothers

McCullough, David
Interesting story of the Wright family, and especially the two famous brothers. Lots of pictures.




McDevitt, Jack
Hutch travels to nearly the center of the galaxy to find out where those darn Omegas are coming from, and why.

Words I Had To Look Up:

superluminals (pg. 373) -- FTL spaceships.




McDonald, Gregory
He wrote the Fletch series. This story takes place in the South. A studly young handsome is accused of murder. Rated R



Every Heart A Doorway

McGuire, Seanan
Kids who disappeared and reappeared are sent by their desperate parents to a peculiar school run by Miss Eleanor West. Really nicely written. First of a series.



Rosemary And Rue

McGuire, Seanan
Urban Fairy Noir in San Francisco? Nice setting, too much action. Don't really want to read the rest of the series, though.



The Ablative Case

McInerny, Ralph
Kinapping goes wrong. Wrong people keep getting kidnapped, and bodies keep ending up in people's cars... Book ends suddenly.



Widow's Mate

McInerny, Ralph
A confusing mystery of a body in a cement mixer, multiple girlfriends, and money. Who is that bearded guy in Kentucky? Who lets their kid have a trap door?




Mcmanus, Patrick
I can't believe I don't have any other books by this author on The Big List! I've read several, and many of his stories in Outdoor Life. I enjoy his comedic outdoor adventures. This is a light mystery, taking place in Idaho, as far as I can tell, the second of the Sheriff Bo Tully series. Some editing boo-boos (A character is called by the wrong name; Bo visits a crime scene that he has already visited, yet asks directions to it.). Interesting characters, but not a lot of depth. I guess I said "light mystery", didn't I!

Smoke Quote:

"Those things are already killing me," Tully said. "I might as well smoke them myself."



The Blight Way

Mcmanus, Patrick
Sheriff Bo Tully investigates the murder of a man found on a fence. He meets Susan the medical examiner.

Smoke Quote:

He wondered how much they paid ambulance personnel these days, that they could afford to smoke. (pg. 73)

Library Quote:

"They all had ID of some kind, Bo. You count a library card as ID, don't you?"
"It's one of the best, Ernie."



Remote Control

McNab, Andy
British agent Nick Stone tries to find out who BLOODILY murdered his friend in Washington, D.C.



The Book Of Ralph

McNally, John
Hank recounts his inadvertent adventures with Ralph, who is quite the character. The shenanigans run from burglary to involvement in a murder.
The author seems to have confused CB "channels" with "stations", unless this is a Chicago thing. It certainly is not in the Big Dummy's Guide To CB Radio!


"You see anything good?"
"What do you mean?"
"Cassette deck, turntables, ham radio?"
"Ham radio? What's a ham radio?? (pg. 98)


"See!" she said. "It's always about you!"
I started for my bike, but I yelled behind me. "I'm me! Why shouldn't it be about me?" (pg. 158)



Snow Treasure

McSwigan, Marie
A Norse boy named Peter leads the children of their village in transporting the town's gold from the bank to a fishing boat so the Nazis don't steal it. Written in 1942, interestingly. Recommended by Tiffany.



Clear For Action!

Meader, Stephen W.
Rousing story of young Jeff Robbins who signs on a cargo schooner just before the start of the War of 1812 and pressed-ganged into service on a British warship. Good stuff!

Words I Had To Look Up:

Right as a trivet (pg. 312) -- Initially "as steady as a trivet", implying stability. In the book, "right as rain" might have fit the sentence better, though.



How Elizabeth Barrett Browning Saved My Life

Medwed, Mameve
Abby inherits a chamberpot from her mother and takes it to The Antiques Roadshow. Pretty good, chicklit?

Words I Had To Look Up:

Madeleine -- A sweet scallop-shaped cake.



Christmas Cookie Murders

Meier, Leslie
Lucy Stone lives in a small town in Maine and aggravates the local police by solving murders. Two recipes.



The Apothecary

Meloy, Maile
Janie's parents have to leave the U.S. for England in 1952 because of persecution by the government. Janie a little trouble adjusting, but then she meets an interesting boy. And THEN things get weird.

I enjoyed this story very much, and especially the observations on post-ware life in London.

I should have realized there was gonna be a sequel!



Strength And Honor

Meluch, R.M.
Last book (#4) in the U.S.S. Merrimack series. Ties things up nicely.


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