A washed-up wreck from the wars begs a job in the scullery at the castle where he used to be a page. Gets job as tutor to princess. First book in Chalion series.
"Where are you?" Ivan demanded suspiciously. "Stuck in limbo." "Well, I don't want any of it stuck to me," said Ivan roughly, and punched off-line.
I can't believe this. Trapped in Ryoval's basement with a sex- starved teenage werewolf. There was nothing about this in any of my Imperial training manuals...
A boy travels from Ireland to America, part of the way, on the good ship Titanic. Good story, but why do I not have any other Bunting books on my list, eh?
Thai police detective investigates the death of an American Marine, with the help of an FBI agent. Lots of Buddhist thoughts. Snakes. Observation on the Thai sex industry.
Words I Had To Look Up:
Glyph -- A symbol, such as a stylized figure or arrow on a public sign, that imparts information nonverbally. (pg. 307)
The new age of biotechnology will require a highly developed intuition which operates outside of logic, and anyway the internal destruction of Western society will have reached such a pass that most of your resources will be concentrated on managing loonies. -- pg. 153
I thought I saw the movie in 1968 or '69, which would have meant I saw it with Maureen, but it turns out that it was released in 1972. Which complicates things, as I was dating four or five women that year, three of whom I could have taken to the movie. I wish I had kept a diary!
The author, in his introduction, mentions a glossary. At least, I thought he did. Now, I can find no mention of it.
Tarzan repeatedly must foil the machinations of the evil Monsieur Thuran/Rokoff. Rescues Jane from the frightful men of Opar, too. This has been my bathroom reader at work for four months!
Words I Had To Look Up::
bowlder (pg. 210) -- Alternative spelling of 'boulder'. ulster (pg. 215) --a man's heavy double-breasted overcoat with a belt or half-belt at the back, so-called because it was first produced in Northern Ireland. Sapristi! (pg. 219) -- Good Heavens!
I don't know what the title has to do with anything. I looked it up and I still don't understand. So I say, "WhatEVER". The story was OK, the female character is just weird.
"You think I'm going to cash that? I am like hell. I'm going to frame it. It goes up there, right over my desk."
Ruby meets a boy who is trouble. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend to teenage girls, but there is a bit more profanity than I would like for middle school students. Although no one will notice as I am only the second person to read it in since it was acquired in 2006.
"I love that Heart of Darkness. Steinbeck's a genius," Frank said.
"Joseph Conrad," my mother said. "Heart of Darkness is by Joseph Conrad."
"I'm sure it's Steinbeck," Frank said. "I remember it from high school."
"She's a librarian," Harold said. -- Pg. 287
In a form of self-torture I perused this book. Can't way I READ every word, though. Lots of interesting "how stuff works" information. I remember the author's column and articles from Cycle magazine. I don't see much "how to do it", though. I've got to get a bike...
Strange story, a mystery fantasy. I didn't know there was a beach in Andorra...
I sat next to her and watched her smoke. I liked how she did it: a little greedily, narrowing her green eyes and sucking in her cheeks as if smoking were very hard work.