I read this because it had been challenged on historical accuracy. I say, it's the recollections of an eight-year-old girl, novelized. More violence than I expected.
kynchin morts. A kinchin is a young child. Kinchin morts are young girls-- orphans, beggers. Kinchin coves are young boys.
sieverts (pg. 205) -- An SI unit for the dosage of ionizing radiation equal to 100 rems
crypsis (pg. 225) -- n ecology, crypsis is the ability of an organism to avoid observation or detection by other organisms.
diel cycle (pg. 280) -- Involving a 24-hour period that usually includes a day and the adjoining night
"Well, according to game theory, you should never tell anyone when your birthday is."
"I don't follow"
"It's a lose-lose proposition. There's no winning strategy."
"What do you mean strategy? It's a birthday."