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Hollywood Station

Wambaugh, Joseph
Entertaining tales of police officers and the characters they deal with. Favorite character was Olive. Glad to see that she got out from under and did ok.









Seal Team Six: Memoirs Of An Elite Navy SEAL Sniper

Wasdin, Horward E.
Interesting story, but it is very choppy. Sometimes I was confused by what was happening. Being rather prejudiced about chiropractic, I was interested to see how and why he became a chiropractor. A very comprehensive glossary is included!



So Far From The Bamboo Grove

Watkins, Yoko Kawashima
A Japanese girl and her family, living in Korea, escape back to Japan at the end of World War II.

I read this because it had been challenged on historical accuracy. I say, it's the recollections of an eight-year-old girl, novelized. More violence than I expected.



This Side Of Home

Watson, Renee
An African-American high school girl in Portland (Oregon) deals with various complications and changes in her life. Interesting story, made slightly more so because I am vaguely familiar with some of the locales mentioned. My overall impression of the books was, "smooth story", what ever that means!




Watson, Sally
Linnet is quite the teen in 16th century London. Kidnapped by a master criminal, she helps foil a plot to overthrow the queen. Is there a sequel?

Words I Had To Look Up:

kynchin morts. A kinchin is a young child. Kinchin morts are young girls-- orphans, beggers. Kinchin coves are young boys.




Watts, Peter
Spaceship goes to some place to investigate source of messages to some place else where probably some probes came from that scared everyone on Earth. I got the impression Humans were all gonna die, at the end. Maybe I'm wrong.

Words I Had To Look Up:

sieverts (pg. 205) -- An SI unit for the dosage of ionizing radiation equal to 100 rems
crypsis (pg. 225) -- n ecology, crypsis is the ability of an organism to avoid observation or detection by other organisms.
diel cycle (pg. 280) -- Involving a 24-hour period that usually includes a day and the adjoining night


"Well, according to game theory, you should never tell anyone when your birthday is."
"I don't follow"
"It's a lose-lose proposition. There's no winning strategy."
"What do you mean strategy? It's a birthday."

(pg. 83)



A Beautiful Friendship

Weber, David
Star Kingdom #1. Stephanie discovers the People, makes friends with one of them. Great friends!



A Call To Duty

Weber, David
With Timothy Zahn, Thomas Pope. Honorverse: Manticore Ascendant #1. Travis Uriah Long joins the Royal Manticoran Navy. Pretty good, may be more Zahn than Weber.



A New Clan

Weber, David
Star Kingdom #4. I must admit I read the last chapter too quickly and too late at night (or rather, too early in the morning) so I really don't get the "New Clan" part. So I shall have to read that chapter again. I did like the adventuresome story, though.



Ashes Of Victory

Weber, David
Honor Harrington #9. Honor is back from the prison planet Hell.



Echoes Of Honor

Weber, David
Book 8 in the series. Honor is executed by the Peeps. Wait, no she isn't. I didn't bookmark any memorable dialog, but I found this one to be maybe my favorite book so far.



Field Of Dishonor

Weber, David
Honor loses a boyfriend. Also, demonstrates how handy she is with an old-fashioned automatic pistol. Twice! This is book #4 in the series.



Fire Season

Weber, David
Star Kingdom #2. Stephanie (and her hogleg) ex Machina.



Flag In Exile

Weber, David
Honor (The Harlot of Satan) is the target of religious zealots on Grayson. This is Book #5.



Honor Among Enemies

Weber, David
Book #6 in the series, I especially enjoyed this one. Honor is invited to command some Q-ships.


"Any truly cultivated palate realizes how completely cocoa outclasses coffee as a beverage of choice. Anyone but a barbarian knows that."


"Good." Honor nodded in satisfaction. There'd never been much doubt, but it was nice to be certain they'd be killing the right people.



In Enemy Hands

Weber, David
Well, Honor gets captured by the Peeps, gets sent to their secret prison planet. Yikes!


"Waffles?" White Haven repeated the unfamiliar word as if sampling it.
"Think of them as, oh, crunchy, quilted pancakes," she said.


"I'm afraid styles are just a bit different back home," she went on in an artfully worried voice, "but I did manage to find a few formal gowns before I left. Do you think I should wear the backless one with the V-neckline, or the one slit to the hip?" --She went with the backless one.



On Basilisk Station

Weber, David
Honor gets posted to Basilisk Station in her new command of an old light cruiser. She finds much adventure getting the place straightened up. I enjoyed this Baen Free e-book download!!



The Honor Of The Queen

Weber, David
Honor heads off on a diplomatic mission to a planet of sexist pigs. Lots of spaceship warfare. Needs some romance for Honor, I think!



The Short Victorious War

Weber, David
Honor Harrington #3. Honor gets a boyfriend and a new ship, not necessarily in that order. The People's Republic gets sneaky.



Treecat Wars

Weber, David
Star Kingdom #3. I'm losing track who is who, what with everyone having two names!


"The circle of lunch," Chet quipped.


20 books displayed
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