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The City Of Ember

DuPrau, Jeanne
Two teens live in decaying city and think there must be a way to fix things. Enjoyable kids story. Has a map!





The Diamond Of Darkhold

DuPrau, Jeanne
Good finale to the series. Lina and Doon go back to Ember to see if they can find food and supplies to help the people of Sparks make it through the winter.



The People Of Sparks

DuPrau, Jeanne
Lina and Doon and the people of Ember escape the dying underground city and end up on the surface in the town of Sparks.



The Prophet Of Yonwood

DuPrau, Jeanne
Third book in series, pretty good, not what I expected!



Dutch Uncle

Durham, Marilyn
A gambler, Jake Hollander, acquires two orphans he must supervise on their way to a New Mexico mining town. He is coerced into staying at the town for a month as the town marshal, by the town's newspaper publisher, a "friend" from the past, and the man's sister, a former romantic interest, we surmise. Found this on the Book Exchange shelf at school. Won't be going back, too much cussin'!



Flight Toward Home

Ecke, Wolfgang
Story of Peter attempting to cross the border to West Germany just after World War II. Not written in an especially exciting manner, it is based on a true story, and was a very popular radio drama in Europe. More of a documentical drama. A Withdrawn book.



The Name Of The Rose

Eco, Umberto
A monk (I think) investigates goings-on at an abbey. I feel badly I was not able to give this book its just due. Took me two weeks to get through it as it was!



The Monuments Men

Edsel, Robert M.
With Bret Witter. Nonfiction story of the military unit tasked with recovering and preserving works of art that had been stolen or damaged, or might be damaged by the allies, even. Good story! A movie was based more or less on the book.



A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius

Eggars, Dave
Wierd bio-stream of con. story.



Scones And Sensibility

Eland, Lindsay
Polly is quite obsessed with Anne Of Green Gables and Pride And Prejudice. She tries to manipulate everyone's love life, to great disaster.


"You wanna cookie, Polly?" (pg. 297)



Dead Men's Hearts

Elkins, Aaron
Gideon and Julie travel to Egypt while he narrates a documentary.

Words I Had To Look Up:

affectation (pg. 46) -- The act of taking on or displaying an attitude or mode of behavior not natural to oneself or not genuinely felt.

we're not looking for 'Ozymandias' here (pg. 84) -- Poem by Shelley having to do with Egypt.

res gestae (pg. 90) -- Latin for "things done".

Quote: a workman who was serenely pruning a leggy hibiscus trellised along an archway... (pg. 175) -- The world "Hibiscus" was crossed out and "boug." penciled in. I guess someone thought a bougainvillea would be more likely to be on a trellis than a hibiscus. And from my research, I agree. But exactly is a "leggy" hibiscus?



Good Blood

Elkins, Aaron
Gideon and Julie go to Italy to help out Phil on one of the On The Cheap travel excursions, and what do you know? Some bones turn up!



Icy Clutches

Elkins, Aaron
Once again Gideon is accompanying Julie on one of her professional excursions and BONES show up! This time it's in Alaska, and the bones are from thirty years ago. They are just now (mostly) coming out of the glacier where three scientists were lost in an avalanche.



Loot; a novel.

Elkins, Aaron
Art expert Ben Revere deals with the re-appearence of paintings stolen by the Nazis, the Hungarian and Russian Mafias, and rich Austrian food. Good story.



Skeleton Dance

Elkins, Aaron
Gideon and Julie head to France to look at some bones found in a cave. And I especially liked Goldstein's Law Of Interconnected Monkey Business.


"You have the world's most absolutely gorgeous submaxillary triangle, did I ever tell you that?" (pg. 93)

Smoke Quote:

Joly emerged from the doorway of the Musée Thibault and avidly, gratefully lit up another Gitane, getting it out of the pack, into his mouth, and alight with what seemed one motion. (pg. 173)



Tiny Little Teeth

Elkins, Aaron
Gideon takes a boat cruise on the Amazon, along with John and Phil. I'm sure I do not want to visit there. I did not realize the river was flowed through Peru. I must consult a map...



Twenty Blue Devils

Elkins, Aaron
Gideon and John go to a coffee plantation in Tahiti to check out a death in John's family.

Words I Had To Look Up:

cockamamies (pg. 182) -- Comes from the word decalcomania, temporary "tattoos".
Biscuits Mckay (pg. 260) -- Maybe some kind of cookie, but no trace on the internet. Their motto is "C'est OK!"



Unnatural Selection

Elkins, Aaron
Julie is a Fellow of the Consortium of the Scillies, and as such travels to the Isles of Scilly to the biannual meeting. Naturally, Gideon goes along. And naturally, there are bones...

Words I Had To Look Up:

fusty (pg. 151) -- Impaired by age or dampness, i.e., moldy, or even saturated with dust and stale odors, i.e., musty.


     THE librarian at the reference desk, a disciplinarian of the old school, looked up sharply and with a pencil to her lips sternly motioned to silence the large American gentleman at the computer.
     "Ah, no," he had murmured.



Where There's A Will

Elkins, Aaron
Gideon travels to Hawaii to assist yet another of John's extensive circle of friends and/or relatives. This time it's the cattle ranchers John used to work for.

Words I Had To Look Up:

cuneiform (pg. 93) -- I thought it was a form of ancient writing, but now I know there are some foot bones called that.


But no, the used Grumman Cheetah had come without a GPS in 1986--...and Gus had flown it just fine for eighteen years without seeing the need for them... (pg. 6) -- Let us see, 1986 plus 18 years equals 2004. But this chapter takes place in 1994. The Cheetah was first built in 1976, maybe it's just a typo. But then, it says "used".



Nasty Breaks

Elkins, Charlotte and Aaron
Pro golfer Lee Ofsted travels to Block Island, RI, to held out her friend Peg at a seminar. Someone gets almost kidnapped, someone else gets murdered. Nice little story.



"So what? Just because somebody tried to kill me doesn't mean he can't help my golf game." (pg. 226)


20 books displayed
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