Several stories about Hammer's Slammers, the tank mercenaries in the future. Good read, of its kind. I've read several of this series, so I guess I like it!
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I feel the author's Afterword is very interesting and important to read.
Lt. Leary series #1. A librarian on a planet ends up helping Lt. Leary during revolution/planetary invasion. I enjoyed it very much.
To her the most amusing part of the whole business was the fact that an hour before she'd have truthfully said that she wasn't afraid to die. It appeared that she was, however, afraid to mash herself to a pulp as the climax to a hundred-foot fall. She supposed it was vanity.
But then, there were people who probably thought work in a library was a sentence to Hell.
An African girl is kidnapped by slavers and hauled off to the Carolinas, ends up being purchased as a gift for the master's son. Eventually she escapes to Spanish Florida.
Well, I must have read this before, possibly before I even started keeping track of books, but I having read it I don't remember anything of the story, so maybe not. I enjoy it, though! Whales! Dolphins!
Hey, I read this before, why isn't it in here? Oh, must have been before 1998. Well, I read it again, it is still cute. Girl escaping bullys find refuge in the library, discovers book about becoming a wizard, does so.
Noah, an newly-orphaned fifteen-year-old, is sent to live with the uncle he has never met. Uncle is a soldier stationed at Ft. Hale, Colorado, where he is part of the winter-warfare "ski" soldiers known as the "Phantoms". Good story, Noah's pacifistic upbringing causes him some conflict as he goes through training. Good story! Uhh, that should be "Phantoms"...
Janet takes a boat trip back home to Scotland after her husband passes away. She meets three sisters (triplets)who are the life of the ship. They think.
The colorful book jacket led me to believe this book would be a humerous tale. Made me think of a Readers Digest Condensed Books story titled Warm Bodies by Donald R. Morris. Except that the Morris book is about the Navy.The book Im thinking of was about a doctor on a cruise ship. But I digress. As I was saying, it is not. Humerous, that is. It IS one of the last of around 25 books the author wrote before she passed away. They were rather popular in the day, there are several web sites and a Wikipedia article devoted to her.
Read this before, read it again. Teen Nancy and he family, minus dad, move to Florida, for what will be and extended stay. Without dad, she leans, as her parents are getting divorced. The last line brought many tears.
Good finale to the series. Lina and Doon go back to Ember to see if they can find food and supplies to help the people of Sparks make it through the winter.
A gambler, Jake Hollander, acquires two orphans he must supervise on their way to a New Mexico mining town. He is coerced into staying at the town for a month as the town marshal, by the town's newspaper publisher, a "friend" from the past, and the man's sister, a former romantic interest, we surmise. Found this on the Book Exchange shelf at school. Won't be going back, too much cussin'!