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Guys Write For Guys Read

Scieszka, Jon, ed.
A bunch of very short stories written by popular authors.



Isaac Asimov's Masters Of Science Fiction

Scithers, George, ed.
Twenty-six or so stories, some real good ones like "Air Raid" and "Low-Grade Ore".




Scott, Justin
Real Estate salesman Benjamin Abbott III is hired to photograph a dallying wife. Very good story.




Scott, Justin
Benjamin Abbott is hired by the widow of a friend to find out how he really died. Very good story.



The Alchemyst

Scott, Michael
Twins Josh and Sophie become embroiled in a war for the survival of humanity, to their dismay. Book one of how many to come? The author says many of the characters are based on historical and mythological figures. Pretty good!

Words I Had To Look Up:

sigils (pg. 314) -- Signs, words, or devices held to have occult power in astrology or magic
pergola (pg. 366) -- An arbor or a passageway of columns supporting a roof of trelliswork on which climbing plants are trained to grow.


...Sophie leaned over and hit the windshield wiper switch. The heavy blades activated...and simply swept the bird off the hood in a flurry of feathers and a shrill croak of surprise. (pg. 98) Mere mortal SUV wipers can sweep a Dire-Crow, "huge" bird, right off the hood? A bird that can peck through windshield glass? I think NOT!



The Enchantress

Scott, Michael
Book six of the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. I started this series four years ago, and now it is finished. Some weeps at the end. I enjoyed the series, and especially the occasional humor. I am sure my neighbors wondered what I was chortling about.



The Magician

Scott, Michael
The second volume in the series. Sophie and Josh are now in Paris. Perenelle is imprisoned in Alcatraz. Couldn't put it down!



The Necromancer

Scott, Michael
Another volume in the Adventures of Josh and Sophie. Volume four, to be precise. Well, now we know what happened to Virginia Dare!



The Sorceress

Scott, Michael
Third book in the series. Perry is still trapped at Alcatraz, the twins are now in London. It's what, day four? Yikes!

Words I Had To Look Up:

Gabriel Hounds...Ratchets (pg. 206) -- Gabriel Hounds are a pack of spectral hounds said to be haunting Britain during the Wild Hunt. Ratchet is the archaic term to describe a hound hunting by scent. Mary Stewart wrote a book titled The Gabriel Hounds.


"It's a conjugation," Sophie said in awe. (pg. 286) -- It's a conjugation of conjurations!



The Warlock

Scott, Michael
Book #5 in the series. Lots of stuff happens. San Francisco may get eaten by monsters. I can't remember what happened in the previous books. Volume #6 awaits.



Courting trouble

Scottoline, Lisa
Anne Murphy finds out from a newspaper that she was murdered. Her co-lawyers at Resato & Assc. help her track the the perp.



Daddy's Girl

Scottoline, Lisa
Law Prof. Nat gets banged up when she visits a law class for inmates at a prison. Eventually solves a crime. Book moves right along, but didn't care for "surprise" ending. Read the Readers Digest Condensed edition.





Dead ringer

Scottoline, Lisa
Bennie Rosato takes on a class action suit, sends Mary off on her Italian relocation camp adventure.



Devil's corner

Scottoline, Lisa
Vicki Allegretti, a government prosecuter, does some un-authorized investing and breaks up a crack cocaine operation.



Dirty Blonde

Scottoline, Lisa
Judge Cate has a secret life that is about to be exposed as a television series. Interesting information about coal mining fires in Pennsylvania.



Killer Smile

Scottoline, Lisa
Mary DiNunzio is working on a case involving a man who died in the relocation camps of World War II.



Lady Killer

Scottoline, Lisa
Mary is asked to help one of the "Mean Girls" she knew in high school. Mary seems a bit ditzy and unorganized. She needs to FOCUS!

Words I Had To Look Up:

Ensconced (pg. 75) -- To settle oneself securely or comfortably, or to place or conceal in a secure place. In the text, Fung is ensconced by Giulia's bosom, so I'm not sure which meaning is correct...
Camarr (pg. 92) -- Can't find a translation. Friend, buddy?
Cavone (pg. 93) -- Disrespectful, lower class.
Locatelli (pg. 177) -- A hard, sharp, cheese. Which the text says, two pages before...

Smoke Quote:

Giulia's hair smelled of its trademark mousse-and-Marlboros, but for the first time, Mary almost liked the scent. It smelled kind of grown up. Maybe she should start smoking. -- pg. 284



Legal tender

Scottoline, Lisa
Bennie Rosato is accused of, not one, but TWO murders!



Moment of truth

Scottoline, Lisa
Some lawyer guy finds his wife dead and pleads guilty to protect the daughter he thinks did it.



Rough Justice

Scottoline, Lisa
Mary and Judy are working for a lawyer, Marta, who hired the firm to defend an evil landlord.


20 books displayed
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