Lawyer discovers the company she works for is Mafia-run, blabs, get murdered. Somebody gets even, killing everone else. Good book, not easy to read, pretty descriptive sex. Lots of lecture about the evolution of Man.
Great story, an old man is shot, survives and goes looking for the shooter. Reminanaces of his years learning about the wilderness from an old Indian mixed with a burgening presidential campaign his daughter is working on.
Biography of the guy who commanded SEAL Team Six after Marcinko. A lot less cussing than Marcinko.
I told Maynard there was nothing I couldn't handle. All the men needed was some good leadership and adult supervision, and I could provide both. --pg. 176.
Davy can teleport. Some very interesting observations on terrorism. Written in 1992, dropping the terrorist off the World Trade Tower was, ironic? After writing this, I find this was a movie in 2008. Never heard about it. Sounds dumb! Good book, though.
I may be a bank robber, but I'm no litterbug. (pg. 204)
I may be a bank robber, but I'm not a common thief. (pg. 207)
One of the problems with American public policy on terrorism is that our government insists on blurring the line between armed insurgence against military forces and installations and attacks on uninvolved civilians...But an attack on an armed military force occupying one's homeland? That's not terrorism...I'm just saying that if you call that terrorism then the U.S. is also involved in financing terrorists in Afghanistan and Central America. (pg. 214)
A novella about the character from Six Days Of The Condor. Vin (Condor) is assigned to work in the Library Of Congress sorting books to into the CIA archive or to be shredded. Two of the "coffins" (Vin's name for the wooden boxes) he is supposed to have seem to be missing. Where could they be? Good story, but I was often confused as to what was happening.
Talking heads blather from an unseen TV, insist this, know that, sell whatever.
Secret agent Jud Stuart is in deep kimchee. By the author of "Six Days Of The Condor".
When he tried to shake one out of the pack, his hands wouldn't stop trembling and the white death sticks fell all over his lap. It was the fifth of that morning.
Kinsey Millhone investigates why a policeman was so stressed he had a heart attack.
"I'm not promiscious by any stretch, but I've got your normal appetite for these things. Three, four times a week, I get the itch to go lookin' for love."
Kinsey investigates the murder of an unidentified young girl that happened by in 1969. Author reveals that it is based on a true murder and provides an address if anyone has any information.
Henry's still not dead, but he might as well be. "Marie" kicks major butt. Did you know Patrick McGoohan (The Prisoner) played a character in the movie "Silver Streak" name Devereaux?