"I love that Heart of Darkness. Steinbeck's a genius," Frank said.
"Joseph Conrad," my mother said. "Heart of Darkness is by Joseph Conrad."
"I'm sure it's Steinbeck," Frank said. "I remember it from high school."
"She's a librarian," Harold said. -- Pg. 287
cascorones (pg. 18) -- Hollow-out eggs filled with confetti or small toys.
H.E.B. (pg. 129) -- A supermarket chain in Texas and Lousiiana.
pendeja (pg. 168) -- Idiot.
flouted and flaunted (pg. 193)-- The text takes exception to a misuse. The dictionary (Merriam-Webster OnLine) says they are different, with examples, but for the life of me I can't tell the difference!
Armand Hammer (pg. 241) -- I didn't get it, all these years. "Arm and Hammer". Ha ha.
Or maybe, we can just calm down and stop thinking that our own ideas are so precious that we must never give an inch to accomodate the heartfelt beliefs of others.
How can we accomplish that? It begins by scorning the voices of extremism from the camp we are aligned with. Democrats and Republicans must renounce the screamers and haters from their own side instead of continuing to embrace them and denouncing onthe the screamers from the opposing camp. We must moderate ourselves instead of insisting on moderating the other guy while keeping our own fanaticism alive. (Afterword, pg. 347) THIS!