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Courting trouble

Scottoline, Lisa
Anne Murphy finds out from a newspaper that she was murdered. Her co-lawyers at Resato & Assc. help her track the the perp.



Daddy's Girl

Scottoline, Lisa
Law Prof. Nat gets banged up when she visits a law class for inmates at a prison. Eventually solves a crime. Book moves right along, but didn't care for "surprise" ending. Read the Readers Digest Condensed edition.





Dead ringer

Scottoline, Lisa
Bennie Rosato takes on a class action suit, sends Mary off on her Italian relocation camp adventure.



Devil's corner

Scottoline, Lisa
Vicki Allegretti, a government prosecuter, does some un-authorized investing and breaks up a crack cocaine operation.



Dirty Blonde

Scottoline, Lisa
Judge Cate has a secret life that is about to be exposed as a television series. Interesting information about coal mining fires in Pennsylvania.



Killer Smile

Scottoline, Lisa
Mary DiNunzio is working on a case involving a man who died in the relocation camps of World War II.



Lady Killer

Scottoline, Lisa
Mary is asked to help one of the "Mean Girls" she knew in high school. Mary seems a bit ditzy and unorganized. She needs to FOCUS!

Words I Had To Look Up:

Ensconced (pg. 75) -- To settle oneself securely or comfortably, or to place or conceal in a secure place. In the text, Fung is ensconced by Giulia's bosom, so I'm not sure which meaning is correct...
Camarr (pg. 92) -- Can't find a translation. Friend, buddy?
Cavone (pg. 93) -- Disrespectful, lower class.
Locatelli (pg. 177) -- A hard, sharp, cheese. Which the text says, two pages before...

Smoke Quote:

Giulia's hair smelled of its trademark mousse-and-Marlboros, but for the first time, Mary almost liked the scent. It smelled kind of grown up. Maybe she should start smoking. -- pg. 284



Legal tender

Scottoline, Lisa
Bennie Rosato is accused of, not one, but TWO murders!



Moment of truth

Scottoline, Lisa
Some lawyer guy finds his wife dead and pleads guilty to protect the daughter he thinks did it.



Rough Justice

Scottoline, Lisa
Mary and Judy are working for a lawyer, Marta, who hired the firm to defend an evil landlord.



Save Me

Scottoline, Lisa
Lunch-room mom saves bully girl, then goes back to save her daughter, but bully-girl goes back into burning building, gets injured, mom gets blamed. Didn't care for the last few chapters, but the ending was good.



Someone Knows

Scottoline, Lisa
Four high school "kids" cause a new kid to shoot himself. Two of them feel guilty for many years. Two of them do not. One of the second two is a psycho.



The Vendetta Defense

Scottoline, Lisa
Recommended by P.G., a lawyer defends a old man who killed a neighbor in a vendetta going back about 50 years.



Think Twice

Scottoline, Lisa
Bennie's evil twin plants her in a box in a field. Then Alice takes Bennie's place for a couple of days to transfer Bennie's money to the Bahamas. In Italian witch helps stop Bennie's impulse to shoot her sister, so the sister escapes. The Italian witch says Bennie's twin sister (Alice) is dead. But she is not, so she will probably show up in another book.

On page 201 she is trying to convince the police of her identity. Don't they do fingerprints in Pellesburg, PA?

On page 198 the "husky Officer Pete" is typing on an IBM Selectric typewriter. I love the Selectric, but that is probably a twenty year old machine. You know, it takes balls to type on those.

I'm here all week, folks. Try the veal.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Chang and Eng (pg. 13) -- Famous Siamese twins from the 1800s.
Strega Anna Wintour (pg. 24) -- Anna Wintour is editor of Vogue, strega means "witch" in Italian.



The Lovely Bones

Sebold, Alice
Teen girl is raped and murdered, observes family and friend (and the murderer)from her personal heaven while they continue their lives. Made into a movie. I had two very good cries while reading, but they were not directly related to the story.




Sedgwick, Marcus
Boy sits alone in Artic with his dead father, giant man arrives who wants his gold. Good story, although confusing at times. Where does it take place?



The Tea Girl Of Hummingbird Lane

See, Lisa
I did not choose this book on my own, but I enjoyed reading it. I learned a lot about tea, and a bit about China. One could see the end coming a mile away, but it was satisfying. I'd recommend this book to others (Always wanted to say that!).



Lincoln's Spymaster: Allan Pinkerton

Seiple, Samantha
Good biography of how Pinkerton got into the detective business.



The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Selznick, Brian
A very think book at 500-some pages, but maybe half of them are pictures, so don't let it scare you away. A very good story of Hugo who lives in the Paris train station, taking care of the clocks on the walls from hidden passages in the walls.




Selznick, Brian
After being struck by lightning and becoming deaf, a boy runs away to New York to try and track down the father he has never met and knows nothing about. A very nice story.


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