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A Maiden's Grave

Deaver, Jeffrey
Pretty well done story of deaf schoolgirls kidnapped by escaped prison inmates and the hostage negotiator trying to save them. Or not. Lots of action!



Marooned On Mars

Del Rey, Lester
Chuck stows away on the first mission to Mars. It is implied that radar is used for communications. How do that work?



Mission to the Moon

Del Rey, Lester
Nineteen-year-old Jim is a top hand in the space race, in this 1956 story that culminates with a landing on the moon. Great "retro" jacket painting!





The Spook's Apprentice-Revenge Of The Witch

Delaney, Joseph
In volume 1 of the Wardstone Chronicles (The Last Apprentice in the US) series Thomas Ward is apprenticed to the Spook John Gregory to learn the trade of protecting the people from witches and boggarts and demons, oh my!



Morse's Greatest Mystery And Other Stories

Dexter, Colin
Eleven stories, most featuring Inspector Morse. All pretty good, I especially liked the Sherlock Holmes tale.

Words I Had To Look Up:

kyphotic self (pg. 71) -- Hunchback.
accumulated spondulicks (pg. 204) -- Slang for money, cash.
demerara daddy (pg. 240) -- A kind of sugar from Guyana. A sugar daddy.



The Paperboy

Dexter, Pete
Two brothers investigate the case of a convicted murderer on death row, in Florida. Pretty darn good story telling.


In those days, it didn't seem possible that someday I might wonder what I would have become if things had gone differently for me. I thought all the choices would always be in front of me. (pg. 246)



Because Of Winn-Dixie

DiCamillo, Kate
A wonderful story about a girl and her big ugly dog. .



The Tiger Rising

DiCamillo, Kate
There are such good books in small packages! Bullied boy in Florida discovers a tiger in a cage in the woods adjoining the motel he lives in with his father.



Blade Runner

Dick, Philip K.
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep republished with the more prominent movie title when the movie was released. Good story, different from the movie, which I also love.



A Tale Of Two Cities

Dickens, Charles
Man goes back to France to help out a friend, gets thrown in prison, gets freed, gets thrown back in, and sentenced to DEATH by guillotine! Good story, but too many words. It made my head hurt! I bet it would make a great movie, though!


"It is extraordinary to me," said he, "that you people cannot take care of yourselves and your children. One or the other of you is for ever in my way. how do I know what injury you have done my horses? See! Give him that." -- (pg. 111) What do you mean, "You people...", buddy?


...Mr Cruncher conceived the luminous idea of replying, "Agricultooral character." -- (pg. 304) See, there IS funny in this book!


"Are you dying for him?" she whispered. -- (pg. 353) At this point I wept.



Little Dorrit

Dickens, Charles
All these years I've thought little Dorrit was a kid. Well, she ain't. Mr. Dickens is quite clever with his prose, but I am quite dull. There were times I "got it" (The best of times?), but many times I didn't not. I need an annotated Little Dorrit!




Dickinson, Peter
Book Two of the Changes trilogy. Margaret and Jonathan rescue an American spy who has been accused of being a witch. They rescue him and sail off to Ireland in the tugboat of the title name.



The Devil's Children

Dickinson, Peter
Nicky finds herself in Book One of the Changes trilogy on the road, alone, her parents having disappeared in a big crowd. She joins up with a group of Sikhs, then makes her way to France.



The Weathermonger

Dickinson, Peter
In book three of the Changes trilogy, teen weathermonger Geoffrey and his sister Sally escape to France, but are sent back to England-ish to find out the source of the Changes. Hey, it's Merlin!



Secret Under The Caribbean

Dickson, Gordon R.
Robby Hoenig has an adventure at a marine archaeological site. One a series of juvenile science fiction adventures by Dickson from the early 60s.



How To Be An American Housewife

Dilloway, Margeret
Some of the action taking place in an area I am relatively familiar with brought this story of a mother and daughter a bit closer to me.



Sisters Of Heart And Snow

Dilloway, Margeret
I enjoyed reading a book that had stuff to think about, but didn't make my head hurt. I also liked the "local color" from the author's knowledge of the San Diego area.



The Care And Handling Of Roses With Thorns

Dilloway, Margeret
A teacher with bad kidneys breeds roses. I enjoyed reading this book, it was interesting, and I didn't start crying all THAT much!



Notes From An Accidental Band Geek

Dionne, Erin
As a former member of a high school marching band I enjoyed this story very much. It's the first band novel I've ever seen. I laughed when they assigned her to play the mellophone instead of her French horn. My GF in high school played the bells instead of her oboe. Can you imagine marching oboes?



Swift Justice

Disilverio, Laura
Former U.S. Air Force OSI officer "Charlie" Swift has a PI business in Colorado. Her silent partner runs off with his personal trainer, and his wife decides to exercise her share of the partnership to become an investigator. Surprise mention of geocaching.


20 books displayed
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