When her grandmother dies in India after surgery, med student Jennifer goes to take charge of the body. She is suspicious of the circumstances, and well she might be!
I probably read a hundred pages of this but decided it wasn't the book for me. It's nicely written, I love the image of the deep forests it gives me. I'd recommend it. Maybe I'll pick it up some other time.
Starts out with an Indian boy, Little Hawk, during Colonial times, going on his three-month "test of solitude" to become a man. I really enjoyed reading this story.
I've read this before, of course, but I found a copy laying about and read it again. I forgot the Will was only eleven years old. I also forgot that the book is centered around the Christmas season. So much darkness in what should be a happy time! Nicely done.
I've a nit to pick: On page 156 Will receives a new bicycle, one with "eleven gear-speeds". I don't want to go into a great deal of detail why, but I don't think so. A typical freewheel was five gears, so double chainrings would give you ten "speeds", and a triple would give you fifteen. Not necessarily all useful, of course.
Patrick's mom is mad because her husband forgot her 40th birthday, so she spends the night at her deceased mother's house. In the morning she is 12 years old, and her mother is cooking breakfast. A nice mixture of fantasy and reality.
This is The Expanse #3. Rollicking good space opera, in my unlearned opinion, with a ton of memorable quote which I probably will get sued for posting, but I'm going to anyway. 'Cause they are memorable. And I want to memorable them! BTW, this is the book in which we meet Annushka "Anna" Volovodov.
The pulse turned into music, and she began humming under her breath. She stopped when an Episcopalian in the seat next to her pointedly clear his throat.
No monkey ever reheated a frozen burrito.
Jesus Christ with a side of chips. -- Never heard that one before!
"Could we please not assault the patient with the crushed spinal cord,"..."because this makes me very uncomfortable."
Smoke Quote:
She pulled a cigarette out and lit it as they walked. At Anna's shocked look she said, "They let you do it here. Lots of the Belters do. They obsess over air filters then suck poisonous particulates into their lungs recreationally. It's a fabulous culture."
"Just to check," Holden said. "We're throwing grenades into the place that controls the reactor?"
"Huh," Juarez said.
"Well," Cass said.
"Well," Holden said, his voice grim, "we have a major problem. We're out of coffee."
"We still got beer," Amos said.
"Yes," Holden said. "But beer is not coffee."
The Expanse #6. Hogan vs. the Free Navy. Who is gonna win?
"Thank you, Captain," the acting ruler of Earth said and signed off.
Silence filled the deck. "You notice how she didn't say anything obscene or offensive?" Holden said.
"Did notice that."
Holden took a deep breath. "That can't be good."
The Expanse #2. Just realized I read #1 back in 2017. Do not remember a thing! I need to read it again to fill in the background on this one! This was a good read, but I was just gonna read the one and move on. Then, the last sentence happened!! Yikes, WTF??? Now I HAVE to read the next one!
"Meow meow, cry meow meow,"... "That's all I hear you say."
  "No offence meant, Captain Holden," Wendall said, "but I'm starting to wish I'd just shot you when I had the chance."
  "None taken."
While Amos used a torque wrench to unbolt the access panel... -- Why would he use a torque wrench?
"Ferns?" Naomi asked.
"Ferns can be very aggressive," Prax said.
The Expanse, #4. A new planet is being settled by squatters. A corporation security chief has a problem with that. Also, the planet seems to have a problem with everyone.
"I love the period of rotation. Thirty hours. You can get in a full day's work, stay up getting drunk at the saloon, and still get a full night's sleep. I don't know why we didn't think of this back home."
"Why do I put up with your shit?"
"Because," Amos said, starting to strip an assault rifle down to its component parts, "I'm the only one on the ship that can keep the coffee maker running."
..."We're on foot from here."
"Your fancy alien train is broken?"
"My fancy alien material transfer system has been sitting unused for over a billion years and half the planet just exploded. Your ship was built less than a decade ago and you can barely keep the coffee pot running."
"You are a sad, bitter little man," Holden said...