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Among Other Things, I've Taken Up Smoking

Sweeney, Aoibheann
A girl who grew up motherless on an island in Maine is sent to New York by her father to do data entry in the library he created.

Not the kind of story I would usually read, there not being any spaceships involved, but I liked it enough to finish.

The author is also mildly well known for having a baby in a taxi in Times Square. That is, giving birth in a taxi. In Times Square. New York City.



On Secret Service

Taft, William Nelson
"Mystery Stories Based on Real Cases Solved By Government Agents". Good stories, a small amount of "negro" dialog that I found...embarrassing. Except for that tiny bit I enjoyed reading this old-timey book a lot. I read the Project Gutenberg e-book version.


"A slip of oiled paper," he muttered. "By the Lord Harry! here it is!" and he produced a pencil which his trained fingers told him was lighter than it should be.-- A hollow pencil!!



A Void In Hearts

Tapply, William G.
Lawyer Brady Coyne investigates the murder of his sometime private investigator.



Client Priviledge

Tapply, William G.
Attorney Brady Coyne finds out who killed the judges black- mailer. Second time I read it!



Close To The Bone

Tapply, William G.
Lawyer Brady Coyne figures out what happened to his fishing buddy Paul Cizek. Has a bicycling drunk in the story, and everybody gets pretty much what they deserve! Pretty good!


"You got lipstick all over you. It's not mine." "It was this guy's wife. She attacked me." ... "I don't blame her."



Cutter's Run

Tapply, William G.
Lawyer Brady Coyne visits his girlfiend in Maine.


"The trick to gourmet cooking," I said, "is to be sure everybody's really hungry."



Hell Bent

Tapply, William G.
Brady Coyne's client apparently commits suicide, but Alex (his sister) doesn't believe it.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Wouldn't've (pg. 116) -- I said that, but I have never seen it in print before.



Muscle Memory

Tapply, William G.
Brady Coyne finds out who really killed his client's wife.



One-Way Ticket

Tapply, William G.
Brady Coyne helps a friend who got beat up by some mob guys for no reason, as far he knows.



Seventh Enemy

Tapply, William G.
Brady Coyne tries to find out who shot his friend, a prominent outdoorsman who has earned the emnity of the gun lobby by coming out as anti-assault weapons.



Tight Lines

Tapply, William G.
Brady Coyne searches for the estranged daughter of a client who is dying.



Scar Tissue

Tappy, William G.
Brady Coyle looks into the death of his friends sons girlfriend, and the disappearance of the son.



First Light

Tappyly, William G. and Philip R. Craig
Brady goes fishing with his buddy J.W. Jackson on Martha's Vineyard. J.W. is looking for a lost wife, Brady is there to nogociate the sale of an estate for a dying woman.



Just One Damned Thing After Another

Taylor, Jodi
Max gets a new job at a peculiar institute of research.



Mississippi Bridge

Taylor, Mildred D.
A bus careens off a bridge into a raging torrent after black people are made to get off to make room for white people.



A Summons To Memphis

Taylor, Peter
Pulizer prize-winning story of a man who keeps go back to Memphis because his psychotic sisters want to keep their father from getting married or anything. Didn't do much for me.



One Day On Mars

Taylor, Travis
During a revolution. A good portion of the book describes a space battle. Pretty boring. I found myself skipping three-quarters of each paragraph. The only character I liked was BIL the garbage bot.



An Irish Country Village

Taylord, Patrick
Life in an early 60s village in Northern Ireland for a newly-minted doctor. Third in a series, I think. Not a bad read, but I kept thinking that I am not the demographic this book is aimed at. WHOOPS! I mispelled the author's last name!




"Jesus, Willy, there's a hole in my glass. It's empty" -- pg. 389

The Doom Machine

Teague, Mark
Jack and Isadora get kidnapped by the Skreep, giant spiders from another world who are bent on invading Earth. I liked it!


In the distance he could hear the stuttering of Mr. Vandestar's Hudson...Jack knew the car's problem was in the master cylinder; he could tell by listening to it. (pg. 5) -- Which cylinder is the master cylinder? Are all the rest slave cylinders?



Red Planet

Telsep, Peter
Novelization of the movie. First manned expedition to Mars crashes, everything goes to s***. Some pretty funny stuff in between and during the action.


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