Books I've Read
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Two of the Princessesssss' horses were killed and "Kit" Fielding want to prove that the extortionist did it.
Read : 7/2001
Neil Griffon takes over his father's racing stables after an accident while his father mends, and some psycho Italian makes him takes on his son as an apprentice.
Read : 8/2001
Break In
Jockey "Kit" Fielding finds out who is spreading lies about his sister and her husband and their stables.
Read : 7/2001
Come To Grief
Sid Halley returns to find out who is multilting young horses. Very good story.
Read : 7/2001
Diplomat Peter Darwin (no relation) returns to the site of his youth to find out who is causing the death of the horses his new friend Ken (a vet) has operated on.
Read : 7/2001
Co-authored with Felix Francis. Tom comes back from the war in Afghanistan missing foot to stay with his horse-trainer mother. Good, dependable (as The Seattle Times said)horses-and-crime story. My only question is, what happened to Tom's watch?
Read : 7/2011
Dead Cert
Jockey Alan York tries to find out why his friend was killed during a horse race.
Read : 7/2001
Dead Heat
Chef Max caters a meal and 200 or so people get sick. REALLY sick. And then there's the bomb. And later, his house is burned. And before that, his brakes are tampered with. And he meets a hot viola player. But later, he gets whacked with a polo mallet, then nearly blown up again! Yikes! Good stuff, better than his last book, I think. And always remember to boil the kidney beans!
Read : 3/2008
Builder/Architect Lee Morris takes care of old business at the relatives horse racing track.
Read : 7/2001
Driving Force
Freddie Croft owns a fleet of horse vans. He tells is drivers not to pick up hitchhikers, but one does and the guy drops dead during the ride. Very good story.
Read : 8/2001
Jockey Kelly Hughes loses his riding licence (Eng. Spelling) and tries to find out who set him up. I wonder what kind of Lotus he drives?
Read : 6/2003
Even Money
Written with his son, Felix Francis. A bookie meets his father after 37 years, then dad is murdered. Pretty good!
Read : 11/2009
Read : 12/2011
Field Of Thirteen
A collection of shortish stories. Very good. I like the first one, "Raid At Kingdom Hill", the best, I think.
Read : 5/2003
Flying Finish
Henry Grey, blood stock agent, pilot, jockey, etc., finally falls in love with a woman in Italy, but nearly is murdered by by his boss.
Read : 7/2001
For Kicks
Australian horse trainer Dan Roke goes undercover in Great Britain as a stable lad to find evidance of doping.
QUOTE : It took me until late afternoon to find what I wanted, a souped-up 500-cc Norton, four years old and the ex-property of a now one-legged young man who done the ton once too often on the Great North Road. --pg. 80.
Read : 6/2003
Newspaperman James Tyrone uncovers a vicious gang running a betting scheme. Unlikely resolution with invalid wife.
Read : 6/2003
High Stakes
Toymaker Steven Scott has to engineer a horsey switcharoo to eck revenge on the trainer that ripped him off big time.
Read : 6/2003
Hot Money
Amateur jockey Ian Pembroke sorts out family squabbles while protecting his father from assault. Touching ending.
Read : 8/2001
In The Frame
Painter (of horses) Charles Todd goes to Australia to see if he can find out who killed his cousin-in-law.
QUOTE : "All the world's a chiaroscuro, and all the men and women merely blobs of light and shade."--pg. 183
Read : 6/2003
Jonah Dereham, ex-jockey and horse buyer, keeps trying to buck the system, and keeps getting beat up for his troubles. Yet another poignant ending.
Read : 7/2001
20 books displayed
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