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Red Lightning

Varley, John
Book two of the series, Manny's son goes to Earth his family to rescue Grandma Betty from the r avenges of an ginormous (and mysterious) tsunami. Also, Mars is invaded, and Jubal disappears for a while.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Winchester .30-06 (thirty-ought-six) rifle (pg. 85) -- Wikipedia says it is thirty-aught-six, and I agree!



Red Thunder

Varley, John
A group of high school kids and an ex-astronaut drunk build a spaceship to beat the Chinese to Mars, and possibly rescue an American ship in trouble.
How come there are twelve password astericks on page 184, but only eleven letters in the password on page 185? Eh?

Words I Had To Look Up:

hubris (pg. 188) -- Overbearing pride or presumption
the Coast Guard freak (pg. 299) -- I STILL think "freq." is a better abbreviation.



Rolling Thunder

Varley, John
Podkayne Strickland sings her way through the Martian Naval Corps in the third book of the series. Many Heinlein references throughout the series.

Words I Had To Look Up:

[my] face doesn't stop clocks (pg. 9) -- I thought this expression was a positive one, but apparently it is not!
a Bendel bonnet (pg. 47) -- From the Cole Porter song Your The Top, a woman's hat from the fashionable Bendel store in New York.
the doohickey was synchronized with the absquatulator (pg. 285) -- One who absquatulates; to make off, decamp, or abscond. Seems to be misused.
andouille abd cheese omelet (pg. 301) -- A spicy pork sausage.



Fellowship Of The Seven Stars

Veglahn, Nancy J.
This poor lonely book has never been checked out from our library since it was acquired in 1982, so I took it and read it. A minister's daughter joins a cult. An interesting story.


At least I know a lot of Bible verses I never knew before. (page 175)



Rain Of Gold

Villasenor, Victor
The author tells the history of his family's emigration from Mexico to the U.S. in quite an earthy manner. I'm giving it five stars on Goodreads.




Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet De
Wacky story of innocent young man experience real life, but maintaining his sense of optimism through all.



Charlesgate Confidential

Von Doviak, Scott
Set in Boston and told in three timelines (sometimes a bit confusing to me) is this story based on some real events. Art theft, murder, more murders. I enjoyed reading it. So did Steven King, I hear!


"This Italian, Irish, whatever the fuck. Tribal shit."


"Bob Boone." -- I think I went to high school with his brother. Didn't know him, of course.


In fact, I never did any of the things depicted in this novel. I certainly never purchased a fake Maine driver's license from a classmate for the purpose of illegally purchasing alcoholic beverages. Who would believe such a thing?



Death Gets A Time-Out

Waldman, Ayelet
Juliet Applebaum, P.I., former lawyer, investigates the murder of a woman by her son, for her movie star friend. Read 10/2004



Nursery Crimes

Waldman, Ayelet
New Mom/Lawyer/P.I.? Juliet Applebaum decides having babies isn't enough, she wants to find out who kill the principal of the preschool that rejected Juliets child.



Son of a grifter

Walker, Kent
The authors story of how his mother and brother ended up murdering a woman in New York City. Very interesting, and thanks to Google Earth I could see the foundation of the house mom burnt down in Las Vegas!



Puerto Vallarta Squeeze : (The Run for El Norte)

Waller, Robert James
This guy wrote Bridges Of Madison County. Read Sometime In


Check out these reviewtoids from


"Tremendously poignant portrayal of man-woman relationship" "Pretentiously written, but interesting.... " I agree!!! Especially the TRASH one!!!



Cold Tracks

Wallingford, Lee
Forest Service law enforement officer Frank Carver and his assistant Ginnie Trask work together to solve a murder in Oregon.



From Lance To Landis

Walsh, David
An account of drug use in cycling during the Lance era, with a bit of Landis at the end. Fairly depressing.



The Green Book

Walsh, Jill Eaton
Pattie and her family leave a dying Earth for an uncertain life on a strange planet. Only 69 pages, but a nice story. Although I believe the seasons are caused by the axial tilt of a planet, not so much the orbit.



The Crowfield Curse

Walsh, Pat
William lives at an abbey that took him in after a fire killed his family. He saves a creature from a trap, and discovers there is a whole world of fay creatures living around him. Of course, there comes a great evil that he has to overcome. Does one suppose a sequel is in the works? Good story, very descriptive. I could envision the environs clearly.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Couvre-feu (pg. 9) A utensil for extinguishing the fire in a fireplace when the curfew bell rings. Curfew is derived from curfew bell.




Walshots, Natalie Zina
Hench #1. I quit where the ten pages of vertical text with no spacing started. Ain't nobody got time to fool with that. Up to there it was...OK.


No date

Justin And The Best Biscuits In The World

Walter, Mildred Pitts
Justin goes to visit his grandfather's ranch. A very nice story.



Echoes In The Darkness

Wambaugh, Joseph
True story of murder of schoolteacher and her chiildren in Pennsylvania. Very poignant final paragraphs. Read again

Read Again:


Finnegan's Week

Wambaugh, Joseph
Police story takes place in San Diego. Stolen shoes, toxic waste, very excellent story.



Hollywood Station

Wambaugh, Joseph
Entertaining tales of police officers and the characters they deal with. Favorite character was Olive. Glad to see that she got out from under and did ok.








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