Winchester .30-06 (thirty-ought-six) rifle (pg. 85) -- Wikipedia says it is thirty-aught-six, and I agree!
hubris (pg. 188) -- Overbearing pride or presumption
the Coast Guard freak (pg. 299) -- I STILL think "freq." is a better abbreviation.
[my] face doesn't stop clocks (pg. 9) -- I thought this expression was a positive one, but apparently it is not!
a Bendel bonnet (pg. 47) -- From the Cole Porter song Your The Top, a woman's hat from the fashionable Bendel store in New York.
the doohickey was synchronized with the absquatulator (pg. 285) -- One who absquatulates; to make off, decamp, or abscond. Seems to be misused.
andouille abd cheese omelet (pg. 301) -- A spicy pork sausage.
At least I know a lot of Bible verses I never knew before. (page 175)
Couvre-feu (pg. 9) A utensil for extinguishing the fire in a fireplace when the curfew bell rings. Curfew is derived from curfew bell.