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Still Life

Penny, Louise
Chief Inspector Gamache heads to a small village south of Montreal to investigate a murder. OK story. I inferred from the story that Robin Hood used a recurve bow, which ain't right, but upon re-reading the passage I may have mis-inferred that.



The Fencing Master

Perez-Reverte, Arturo
A teacher of fencing in the 1800's is confronted with a perplexing quandry. Good story, in the style of the author. Better (and shorter) than The Nautical Chart, I thought.



The Nautical Chart

Perez-Reverte, Arturo
Search for a sunken treasure of emeralds. Lots of nautical lore. Reviewed in Booklist July 2001 pg. 1951.



All Alone in the Universe

Perkins, Lynne Rae
A teenage girl has relationship problems with her best friend. A excellent little book. Interesting reader comments on



Execution Dock

Perry, Anne
Mystery takes place in London in the 1860s or so. Monk of the River Police chases after child (male)pornographer and probably (male) pedophile Jericho Phillips. Because while it is immoral to be a pedophile of females, it's illegal to be a pedophile of males.



Population: 485

Perry, Michael
The author is a volunteer fireman in his hometown. Lots of interesting anecdotes, not so much philosophical stuff as Truck.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Elegiac (pg. 44 ) -- expressing sorrow often for something now past.
Otiose (pg. 116 ) -- 1. being at leisure; idle; indolent. 2. ineffective or futile. 3. superfluous or useless.
Plangent (pg. 176 ) -- Having an expressive and especially plaintive quality.
MIke Magnuson (pg. ) -- Author of Lummox.
Valsalvian reaction (pg. ) -- "When a person forcefully expires against a closed glottis, changes occur in intrathoracic pressure that dramatically affect venous return, cardiac output, arterial pressure, and heart rate. This forced expiratory effort is called a Valsalva maneuver." From Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts by Richard E. Klabunde, Ph.D.
Thurls (pg. ) -- The hip joint in cattle.



Truck : A Love Story

Perry, Michael
Pretty philosophical story of the rebuilding of the author's International truck. Except that it is mostly NOT about that, it's about his love life, friends, gardening, cooking, and family. But it's about the truck, too.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Baudelaire (pg. 233) -- French poet/writer, symbol of literary decadence.
Derrida (pg. 242) -- French philosopher, founder of deconstruction. Died 2004.
Ameliorism (pg. 251) -- "Meliorism" is the belief that the world tends to improve and that humans can aid its betterment, so adding an "a" must make it the opposite.
Sequelae (pg. 254) -- A secondary result, sequel.
Smoked redhorse (pg. 273) -- A kind of fish.



The Complete Idiots Guide To Geocaching

Peters, Jack W.
Very informative book about geocaching. Learned a couple of things, esp., there is a cache on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. Cool!



Gifts Of Blood

Petry, Susan
Finally bought this book. Seven stories from the Varkela series. My favorite has always been Leechcraft. Two other stories included, one of which is about a spider that lives in a lute.






Peyton, K. M.
Christina, an orphan, is sent to live with her uncle Russell and his boys at their country place, Flambards. Son Mark loves the hunt, William dreams of flying. Loved the Masterpiece Theater adaption, enjoyed the series when I read it years ago, and enjoy this coming-of-age tale again.



Pennington's Last Term

Peyton, K. M.
"Penn" doesn't get on at school, except for music and sports. I enjoyed reading it, and the author's drawing, too.



Life As We Knew It

Pfeffer, Susan Beth
Miranda, a teen-age girl in Pennsylvania, records the changes in her life when an asteroid-hit Moon changes its orbit. Gets pretty bleak, and the diary style wasn't very exciting for me. By page five I decided I was bored, but I read the WHOLE THING, and it was worth reading. Good survival advice in there, too.



The Dead & The Gone

Pfeffer, Susan Beth
You can tell which sister is going to die, the noble, heroic, religious one. Poor Beth, you could see it coming, couldn't you? Oh, wait, wrong book. Alex is going to Catholic high school in New York when the asteroid hits the moon and knocks it a bit askew in this companion to Life As We Knew It. He tries to take care of his two sisters, but things just get worse and worse.



This World We Live In

Pfeffer, Susan Beth
It's a year later, Miranda meets Alex and falls in love. Guess which sister dies now? Is there going to be a sequel?



The Whale Hunters

Phelan, Joseph
Very nice pictures by the author illustrate this 51 page book which takes us through a whaling trip in the 1800s. Published in 1974, there is no mention of protests against whaling in the paragraph about contemporary hunts.



The Last Book In The Universe

Philbrick, Rodman
In a gritty future world several decades after a planetary earthquake a boy named Spaz tries to survive.



The Young Man And The Sea

Philbrick, Rodman
Skiff takes his skiff out to sea to harpoon a big tuna so he can get his alcoholic dad's boat repaired.



Third Strike

Philbrick, Rodman
With co-author William G. Tapply. J.W. Jackson and Brady Coyne investigate ferry strike violence and the murder of Brady's client.



The 27 Ingredient Chili Con Carne Murders

Pickard, Nancy
Food and murder. This is great!! This one is based on the characters and a story created by Virginia Rich. Mrs. Rich created the Eugenia Potter series but passed away before writing this book.



Leaving Time

Picoult, Jodi
Too many dead elephants.


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