Books I've Read
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Subtitle: How politics is placed told by one who knows the game. A fascinating insider's look at political maneuvering up to 1988, but mostly in the 60s through the 80s. One anecdote I had just read in an Uncle John's Bathroom Reader , here was presented a lot of background information. Great stuff!
Read : 6/2011
Two Friends
Two French fishermen friends are shot by Prussians when they won't reveal the password to cross the French lines. Oh, Spoiler Alert!
Read : 5/2010
Joe Gunther investigates the appearance of two dead guys, and his mother and brother's car accident.
Read : 12/2009
A Boy At War
A very good story of a boy who experiences the Pearl Harbor attack.
Read : 11/2002
Stand By: The Story Of A Boy's Achievement In Radio
I enjoyed this story very much. Pretty exciting in parts. Lots of radio stuff, even some amateur radio. Story ended pretty abruptly, though.
Read : 3/2023
87th precinct investigates the murder of a model.
Read : 9/2000
Driving Lessons
Short book about a student driver, her instructor, and the lady they hit.
Read : 7/2001
Fat Ollie's Book
Fat Ollie of the 88th taps the regulars of the 87th to find the killer of a politician AND who stole the only manuscript of Fat Ollie's book. Very enjoyable!
QUOTE : "Yes, but I have to watch my weight," Patricia said. "Oh, me, too," Ollie agreed. "I try not to have more than five meals a day. The Rule of Five. Otherwise it can get out of hand." --pg. 108
Read : 6/2003
Mary, Mary
Matthew Hope defends a woman who everbody saw burying one of the victims in her garden!
Read : 10/2000
The Deaf Man starts a riot at a rap concert in the park to cover a crime, meanwhile someone is knocking off graffeti "artists".
Read : 9/2000
Money, Money Money
Fat Ollie saves Carella's life twice. Pretty good. Still like the second time I read it!
Read : 6/2004
Read : 11/2007
87th precinct investigates the murder of an old lady and her cat, who used to be a famous concert pianist. The old lady, that is.
Read : 9/2000
The 87th precinct investigates the attempted murder of an actress who is in a play about the murder of an actress in a play...
Read : 9/2000
The Big Bad City
87th Precinct series. Who would want to murder a nun?
QUOTE : And the other nun says, "It must be the cobblestones."
BONUS QUOTE : "He sometimes watched old ladies plodding heavily across city streets where buses threatened, and knew for certain that inside those shrunken bodies were the shining faces of fourteen-year-olds."
Read : 7/1999
The Frumious Bandersnatch
A budding pop star is kidnapped.
Smoking Quote : "She doesnt know I still smoke," he explained, letting out a self-satisfied poisonous cloud. "Her brother had his larynx removed last month, she thinks everybody in the worlds gonna get throat cancer now. Ive been smoking since I was sixteen, I dont even cough."
Read : 12/2005
The Last Best Hope
Matthew Hope finds a missing husband who's trying to steal Socrates hemlock bottle.
Read : 12/1999
Ten novellas by authors such as Westlake, McCrumb, King, Block, John Farris, and others.
Read : 5/2005
Second (and probably last) volume of the space cats series, which apparently relates to the cats in "The Tower And The Hive" series.
Read : 7/2017
Co-authored by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. This book is about cats in space. It is OK, funny at times, perhaps even "slyly" funny. I will read the next book. But after that, I am not making any promises.
Read : 7/2017
In The Company Of Cheerful Ladies
Another in the series of the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency stories, the second one I've read now. A very nice story, with interesting insights into life in Botswana.
Read : 4/2016
20 books displayed
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