A 75 year old man joins the Colonial Defense Force, gets a new body. I was in tears by the top of the third page. I really enjoyed this book, very Heinelinesque, couldn't put it down. EDIT 20016: This time around I cried a lot more.
Human Division #1. e-ISBN 978-1-4668-3051-6
I really really like this story very much. The good ship Clarke is sent on an important diplomatic mission that must not fail!
Book One of a series, the name of which I don't know. Some snappy repartee, several memorable characters. My immediate favorite character gets killed pretty early, so I am VERY displeased by that. I just KNOW I am not going to remember any of the story or characters by the time the next book comes out. I rate this: A Promising OK.
I guess this is book two in the Interdependency Sequence. The author should maybe include a Glossary, I was unfamiliar with some of the words used, especially that one that started with "F"... Who talks like that? Well, except for my friend. Good story as I got more engaged with it in the second half. Laughed out loud a couple of times, even. Hope I remember the story when the next one comes out!
I really should have read these in order. I laughed out loud a couple or times, which was odd of me, even though I am such a funny guy. I also cried a couple of times. So this is the story of Jared Dirac, who becomes a Special Forces soldier in Jane Sagan's unit. Good stuff.
Having missed reading this one somehow, I enjoyed reading it after re-reading the previous volumes in the series. And after reading the final book in the series before re-reading all those. So now I can say I don't remember what happens after this one.
What if a high school girl was an apprentice Godmother? I liked the idea of this book, but four-letter words and some uncomfortable scenes make it suitable for high school readers. Second book in a series. I don't know when I read this.
Too many pages. 881. But I finished it. Story is ok, supposed to be really accurate science, but I couldn't tell. I would have hooked up with a ham radio operator when the fishies cut the trans-Atlantic internet cable, they gots connections to the internets that bypass cables.
Smoking Quote:
Set the scene: The ship they are on is sinking:
Tarry black smoke drifted towards them. "Have you got any cigarettes?" she asked.
..."They're Lights," he explained.
"Oh, the healthy option..."..."Very sensible."