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Not A Girl Detective

Kandel, Susan
Biographer Cece Caruso investigates a murder in the Nancy Drew fan community. Lots of trivia.




Karr, Kathleen
Matthew's family dies in a cholera plague in 1839 New York. Living on the streets, he manages to get a job assisting Dr. Cornwall, a phrenologist. Dr. ABC wants a strong helper. Matthew soon finds out why. Great story



Death al Fresco

Karst, Leslie
An ex-lawyer now chef/restaurant owner in Santa Cruz (California) finds a dead person, a person that she knows. Well, actually, her dog does. So she investigates. Recipes at end of book.



The Bad Detective

Keating, H.R.F.
Detective Sargeant Jack Stallworthy wants to give his precious wife Lily the island paradise she craves, but things keep getting in the way. 279 p.



The Clue In The Diary

Keene, Carolyn
Nancy Drew helps out an inventor who has been swindled of his patents. How come Nancy needs the diary translated when she has been speaking to the person who wrote it? Read this entirely on the potty at work!


"Three strong, capable girls like ourselves shouldn't need any help" -- pg. 159 Famous last words, Nancy!



"Hell, I Was There!"

Keith, Elmer
Autobiography of a cowboy and big game hunter. Interesting, but too much detail unless you REALLY like hunting and guns.


"One more honk out of that horn and I'll kill the both of you, take it or leave it."



Black Heat

Kelley, Norman
Nina Halligan is a former prosecuter, now a P.I., and a black woman, who has magic x-ray/infrared/telescopic sunglasses. An interesting switch from the mostly "white" stories I usually read. Lots of ethnic awareness, but only average story. I think the magic glasses was a jarring note. 304 p.



Bad Manners

Kellog, Marne Davis
Trashy rich people in Wyoming get investigated by Lilly Bennet. Lilly gets her Marshal badge in this, the first book of the series.



Birthday Party

Kellog, Marne Davis
Lilly Bennet wants to know who killed the old cowboy star at a charity dinner, goes to Las Vegas, meets Wayne Newton. Book was kinda stupid, Wayne was good.



Nothing But Gossip

Kellog, Marne Davis
Lilly Bennet doesn't let murder, shootings and bodies being exhumed interfere with her wedding.




Kellog, Marne Davis
Lilly Bennet, Marshal and solver-of-crimes in Wyoming, seems overly concerned with her makeup.


It was then that I realized Shelly didn't shave under her arms. I almost screamed and fell out of my chair.



The Evolution Of Calpurnia Tate

Kelly, Jacqueline
Almost-twelve-years-old Calpurnia learns about the natural sciences under the tutelage of her grandfather in 1899 rural Texas.

Words I Had To Look Up:

curvetting (pg. 160) -- A light leap by a horse.
nonpareil (pg. 294) -- A tiny colored-sugar pellet used to decorate cakes, cupcakes, cookies, candy, etc.


He winked at me, and I tried to wink back, but I could only do it with both eyes at once, which made me look stupid. Another important skill I needed to work on. -- pg. 174



Lilac Girls

Kelly, Martha Hall
I'm still not sure what the title means. I wasn't captivated by the book, but I did find myself looking up a lot of things on the 'net.



Pigeon English

Kelman, Stephen
Harrison is an emigrant teen from Ghana who investigates the murder of a boy in the neighborhood. I didn't care for the story. The British lower-class slang was grating on my ears. And the ending was a bummer. Read the Advance Reading Copy.



Merle's Door

Kerasote, Ted
The life of a dog named Merle. Very excellent, and very weepy at the end.



Alabama Moon

Key, Watt
Moon's survivalist father dies, so the young boy finds difficulty dealing with the society he know very little about.




Khoury, Jessica
The Scholastic edition does not suggest that this is book three of a series. Sarah lives in the Kalahari semi-desert with her zoologist-researcher father. Her mother died several months before. A motley group of teens are coming to stay for two week, possibly the beginning of a new source of funding for the research station. Things go badly. "Poachers", a horrific "disease", and a silver lion. Lots of action, I will give it that.



The Secret Life Of Bees

Kidd, Sue Monk
Girl growing up in the South. Pretty good. Bees!

Mountains Beyond Mountains

Kidder, Tracy
Biographical book about a American doctor, Paul Farmer, who is saving TB patients, mostly in Haiti.


Rocks'R'Us (pg.285)



Bishop As Pawn

Kienzle, William X.
A Father Koesler mystery. Father find out who killed the Bishop. Number 16 in series. 266 p.


20 books displayed
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