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Books for
Ringo, John

A Hymn Before Battle

Ringo, John
I read the Baen Free Library e-book edition. First Contact happens, and Earth gets hired to fight the bad guy aliens. Good read, lots of military stuff and violence!


He drew his Gerber and stepped out -- pg.23. Hey, I got one of those!




Craftsman,” he said, relaxing and letting the rest of the breath out slowly, “when you care enough to use the very best.”


Ringo, John
Volume two of the series following Live Free Or Die. Could barely put it down to go to work!



Live Free Or Die

Ringo, John
Alien leave an interstellar gate near Earth. Bad aliens come to take over. Crusty Vermonters fight back. Got a good talk-up on this from Mr. E. at work, so even though passing on a a previous title by Ringo, I gave it a shot. I like it very much, and will read the rest of the series. I just wish we could have a "liberal" hero in a war book!



The Hot Gate

Ringo, John
Book three of the series, after Life Free Or Die and Citadel. Best of the three, I think, but I really enjoyed all three.



The Last Centurion

Ringo, John
Well, THAT was interesting! Ringo's protagonist, "Bandit Six", is not shy about sharing his opinions. Good story. Is there a sequel? How did he meet his wife? This book got a lot of one star reviews on Good Reads...


5 books displayed
[Ringo - Ringo] 
