Opydilldock is first-rate for sprains. (pg. 76) -- Opodeldoc is a liniment attributed to the physician Paracelsus, which camphor and herbs in it.
"Now, Maud, bring on the citron;" (pg. 289) -- A fragrant citrus fruit, used mostly for its rind, rather than being eaten like an orange.
you know hasheesh is the extract of hemp? (pg. 46) -- The things you learn in a children's book!
pigeon English (pg. 76) -- Pidgin English is a simplified form of English used by certain peoples of E Asia and the South Pacific in dealing with foreigners.
could you lend me a ninepence? (pg. 83) -- A New England name for the Spanish real, a coin formerly current in the United States, as valued at twelve and a half cents. Which doesn't really clear things up. This takes place around 1875, I think.
I am a quiddle (pg. 132) -- One who wastes his energy about trifles.
Babes in the woods (gp. 155) -- Another of those awful folk tales where children die. In the woods.
in a promiscuous heap (pg. 224) -- Casual; irregular; haphazard. Used twice by the author!
making a little Casabianca of herself (pg. 243) -- From the poem of the same name, about a young boy who would not desert his post on a warship. And perished.
Dr. Alec ordered her to lie on the sofa for a fortnight at least, whereat she groaned dismally, but dared not openly complain, lest the boys turn upon her with some of the wise little sermons on patience which she had delivered for their benefit. (pg. 165)