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Books for
Leckie, Ann

Ancillary Justice

Leckie, Ann
Breq, formerly a starship, is on a quest. Good story, will read the sequels. I am still confused about who is male and who is female. Or maybe it doesn't matter.



Ancillary Mercy

Leckie, Ann
Imperial Radch #3. Well, the third book. I found some very funny humour, some confusing stuff. Must be my old age. My favorite character was Translator Zeiat.



Ancillary Sword

Leckie, Ann
The second book in the series. I'm still confused by the lack of gender references, but the story is good. Story got a bit dusty at the end.




Leckie, Ann
A complicated tale of political machinations that takes place in the Ancillary universe. It starts out with Ingray trying to retrieve a thief from a prison planet to help her in a plot to impress her mother, but things rapidly go awry.


"Well," observed Ingray, with a small hiccup, " but I didn't get any sea worms."

"Not everyone can be as lucky as I am," Tic agreed. (pg. 429)



The Raven Tower

Leckie, Ann
I don't know if this is gonna be a series, if so, it is the first one volume. Anyway, the narrator is a big rock, recounting the adventures of Eolo, who is aide to Lord Marat. I like it a lot, I'd read the next no problemo.


"I'll have to kill them both, then," she said, her voice slightly exasperated, as though she had just been presented with a minor, unexpected chore. -- pg. 338



Translation State

Leckie, Ann
I think I understand more of this book than the first two. I think that I shall have to read them over!
In a rough search I found that the word "coffee" is used fifty-nine times. The word "tea" is used a lot too, but I couldn't make an accurate count.


"Is there tea?" asked Reet.
"There's always tea."


6 books displayed
[Leckie - Leckie] 
