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Books for
Bodeen, S. A.


Bodeen, S. A.
A sequel to The Compound, which I have not read. Yet. How to sum up? Teen boy restored, with most of his family, to civilization after living underground for years (see previous book), has a lot to deal with.



The Gardener

Bodeen, S. A.
Guy meets girl. Girl is a plant or a nudibranch or autotroph or something. More plant, I guess. But not green. Bad Scientist tries to get girl back to The Laboratory. Good/Bad Scientist turns out to be boy's missing father. Good Scientist takes plant girl to a Safe Place.



The Raft

Bodeen, S. A.
Teen girl flying to Midway Island ends up on a raft floating in the Pacific. Nicely written tale of survival.


3 books displayed
[Bodeen - Bodeen] 
