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Books for
Kratman, Tom

A State of Disobedience

Kratman, Tom
In this 2003 book a Democratic President of the United States, Ms. Wilhelmina Rottemeyer (if you can believe it!), does a lot of bad stuff, but the brave governor of Texas stands up to her. I did not like this book, but I read the whole thing to give it a fair shake. I also read the Eric Flint essay THE CONTROVERSY ABOUT BAEN’S BAR for some background information on Tom Kratman. The essay was so long I honestly couldn't finish it, what with my cataracts, but it was VERY interesting about a great many things.



The Amazon Legion

Kratman, Tom
On a planet far far away, women are recruited for a special unit to defend their small country from belligerent neighbors. Gosh, wish the two appendixes had been listed in a table of contents so I could have USED them while reading!


2 books displayed
[Kratman - Kratman] 
