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Books for
Wroblewski, David

The Story Of Edgar Sawtelle

Wroblewski, David
A mute boy raises dogs in his family's kennel. Pretty long, pretty good, up to the ending.

I totally do not understand the paragraph on pages 192-193.

A review on says this is a retelling of Hamlet. Don't know, never read it. It certainly is a tragedy, though!

Words I Had To Look Up::

cold lightning...Only hot lightning makes thunder. (pg. 51) -- Cold lightning has a shorter duration than hot, but I'm not finding anything about the lack of thunder.
Leinenkugel (pg. 175) -- A brand of beer from Wisconsin. I read they introduced Big Eddy Russian Imperial Stout in 2010, sounds impressive!
chiaroscuro figure (pg. 325) -- Several definitions, I'm going with "the quality of being veiled or partly in shadow".
Eight-letter word for 'Formed of fire or light.' Starts with E, ends with L." (pg. 395) -- Turns out to be empyreal.


A little hay goes in, huge cowpies come out. How does that happen? -- (pg. 415) You can't explain that!


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[Wroblewski - Wroblewski] 
