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Books for
Perry, Michael

Population: 485

Perry, Michael
The author is a volunteer fireman in his hometown. Lots of interesting anecdotes, not so much philosophical stuff as Truck.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Elegiac (pg. 44 ) -- expressing sorrow often for something now past.
Otiose (pg. 116 ) -- 1. being at leisure; idle; indolent. 2. ineffective or futile. 3. superfluous or useless.
Plangent (pg. 176 ) -- Having an expressive and especially plaintive quality.
MIke Magnuson (pg. ) -- Author of Lummox.
Valsalvian reaction (pg. ) -- "When a person forcefully expires against a closed glottis, changes occur in intrathoracic pressure that dramatically affect venous return, cardiac output, arterial pressure, and heart rate. This forced expiratory effort is called a Valsalva maneuver." From Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts by Richard E. Klabunde, Ph.D.
Thurls (pg. ) -- The hip joint in cattle.



Truck : A Love Story

Perry, Michael
Pretty philosophical story of the rebuilding of the author's International truck. Except that it is mostly NOT about that, it's about his love life, friends, gardening, cooking, and family. But it's about the truck, too.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Baudelaire (pg. 233) -- French poet/writer, symbol of literary decadence.
Derrida (pg. 242) -- French philosopher, founder of deconstruction. Died 2004.
Ameliorism (pg. 251) -- "Meliorism" is the belief that the world tends to improve and that humans can aid its betterment, so adding an "a" must make it the opposite.
Sequelae (pg. 254) -- A secondary result, sequel.
Smoked redhorse (pg. 273) -- A kind of fish.


2 books displayed
[Perry - Perry] 
