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Books for
Bosch, Pseudonymous

If You're Reading This, It's Too Late

Bosch, Pseudonymous
The further adventures of Cass and Max-Ernest thwarting the plans of the nefarious Masters Of The Midnight Sun in their search for the homunculus Mr. Cabbage Face.


...wending its way through a forest of pale-trunked trees that flickered in and out of the shadows like an old black-and-white filmstrip... (pg. 232)-- Filmstrip? Flickering??



The Name Of This Book Is Secret

Bosch, Pseudonymous
Cass, equipped her backpack full of survival supplies, is constantly predicting doom. With the passing of magician, doom arrives! Good story, some puzzles, some crypto, and a glossary of circus terms. Oh, and a magic trick!



This Book Is Not Good For You

Bosch, Pseudonymous
Cass and her friends investigate a plot to discover The Secret using chocolate.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Curate ut Valeatis (pg. 118) -- Take care that you fare well.


3 books displayed
[Bosch - Bosch] 
