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Books for
Mcmanus, Patrick


Mcmanus, Patrick
I can't believe I don't have any other books by this author on The Big List! I've read several, and many of his stories in Outdoor Life. I enjoy his comedic outdoor adventures. This is a light mystery, taking place in Idaho, as far as I can tell, the second of the Sheriff Bo Tully series. Some editing boo-boos (A character is called by the wrong name; Bo visits a crime scene that he has already visited, yet asks directions to it.). Interesting characters, but not a lot of depth. I guess I said "light mystery", didn't I!

Smoke Quote:

"Those things are already killing me," Tully said. "I might as well smoke them myself."



The Blight Way

Mcmanus, Patrick
Sheriff Bo Tully investigates the murder of a man found on a fence. He meets Susan the medical examiner.

Smoke Quote:

He wondered how much they paid ambulance personnel these days, that they could afford to smoke. (pg. 73)

Library Quote:

"They all had ID of some kind, Bo. You count a library card as ID, don't you?"
"It's one of the best, Ernie."


2 books displayed
[Mcmanus - Mcmanus] 
