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Books for
Jones, Diana Wynne

Castle in the air

Jones, Diana Wynne
Abdullah yearns for a bride, the princess Flower-In-The-Night, as it turns out. Sophie and Lettie and Howl eventurally turn up, after 176 pages, more or less.




Jones, Diana Wynne
The Dog Star Sirius is sent to Earth, in dog form, as punishment. He become the pet of an Irish girl who is living with her awful English aunt while her father is in prison. One of the best books I have ever read, of its kind! I am still choked up an hour after finishing it.

Words I Had To Look Up:

viridian (pg. 1) -- A chrome green pigment that is a hydrated oxide of chromium.
Zoi (pg. 2) -- Probably an invented term, refers to an object of power. Possibly inspired by borzoi dogs?
effulgence (pg. 2) -- A state of being bright and radiant, splendor, brilliance..
eughky (pg. 12) -- "I still have dry and (a very technical term) eughky ends" from
sloven (pg. 18) -- A coarse obnoxious person.
quaint and knowing (pg. 52) -- Marked by beauty or elegance. I figured the author was using a different meaning!
sluttish (pg. 54) -- A saucy girl. Yet another different meaning..
couchant (pg. 129) -- Lying on the stomach with head raised with legs pointed forward.
empyrean (pg. 255) -- Of or relating to the sky or heavens.
Melpomene (pg. 260) -- The Muse of tragedy.


He remembered that his Companion had tried to use the Zoi on him. (pg. 169) Wait, what??



House Of Many Ways

Jones, Diana Wynne
The sequel to Howl's Moving Castle, it says. I thought that other book was the sequel. Charmain goes to house-sit for her magician uncle while he gets cured by the elves of a mysterious ailment. Sophie and Howl show up eventually.



Howls moving castle

Jones, Diana Wynne
Sophie is turned old by a wicked witch, moves in with wizard. Just when you think you know where the story is going, everything changes.


4 books displayed
[Jones - Jones] 
