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Books for
Patterson, James

Alex Cross, Run

Patterson, James
I characterized this book as being one where the author's name on the cover was much larger than the title, but I'm wrong. I CAN say I felt creepy and slimy reading it. And I must admit I read it in one sitting.



Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Patterson, James
Took me about two-hundred pages to get into it. Lots of action. One might say... too much action! Short chapters move things right along. Since NOTHING is resolved in this four-hundred and forty page story, I guess I shall have to read the next book in the series!



Middle School The Worst Years Of My Life

Patterson, James
Rafe, with the help of his friend Leo, decides to break every rule in the handbook. I wasn't too excited with this book until near the end when things are revealed that change everything.




Patterson, James
With Maxine Paetro. Jack investigates the serial killing of a number of schoolgirls. Also, his friend's wife is shot to death. And, he keeps getting mysterious phone calls saying "You're dead". Oh, and he looks into professional football game cheating. Moves right along, but I lost track of who various characters were at points.

There are 124 chapters in 385 pages. Works for my short attention span!



Private Games

Patterson, James
With Mark Sullivan. A topical thriller about a psycho eking his, as it turns out, revenge on the London Olympic Games. I figured out the bad guy before the big reveal, much to my surprise. I also figured out that Patterson wrote the Alex Cross series that I read so many years ago it is not even in this list!



The 6th Target

Patterson, James
With Maxine Paetro. A shooting on a ferry and kidnapping of little girls gives the Women's Murder Club something to do.



The 8th Confession

Patterson, James
With Maxine Paetro. A schoolbus/meth lab blows up, several well-to-do folks die for no discernible reason, and a homeless man is shot to death, THEN beat severely.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Foreign Cinema's marquis (pg. 35) -- I think it should be either "marquee" or "marquise".
antivenin antivenom (pg. 247) -- Text says first spelling is preferred, wikipedia says the second spelling is preferred in English.


pink lace demibra...flimsy fabric of her panties (pg. 189)-- OK, pink bra, but what color are her panties? More information needed. Dropping a brand name is always good. Product placement! Which author writes the sex scenes, I wonder?



The Big Bad Wolf

Patterson, James
New FBI agent Alex Cross is involved in a search for a violent Russian Mafia guy.


8 books displayed
[Patterson - Patterson] 
