Briddey and her boyfriend get an brain operation to enhance their relationship by being able to share emotions more better. Yeah, well, that didn't work out so well. Good book, my usual complaints about Willis's obstinate characters.
I was liking this book very much, then the author stepped on the gas. Woah!
Why the hate for Dances With Wolves, I like that movie. I liked the book Pollyanna, too, but I read it as an adult of maybe forty or so. I liked the movie Titanic, too!
I didn't realize Vielle was a black woman until chapter 32. Shows my reading comprehension level, I guess!
I didn't read Three Men In A Boat until I was like, forty, or so. My son said, "Dad, Heinlein mentions it in Have Spacesuit, Will Travel." Well, I read that when I was in junior high school, I didn't realize those book mentions were actual books I should read. Anyway, my thanks to Mr. Lampedusa for recommending Three Men to me!
This was a good book, the third I've read in this world/setting, and this fun is much more fun!
"It makes the rounds from year to year. Like fruitcake." -- Hey, I like fruitcake! A lot!
"You need to switch to a safer habit, like smoking." -- Said to a cat.
And kissed her for a hundred and sixty-nine years. -- I teared up a little bit!