The Chronicles of Osreth #1.
I've read two other books by this author, I guess in this series, and I liked them a lot, so I read this one which appears to be the first in the series, so I got that going for me. So what is this book about? A half-Elf/half-Goblin boy finds himself emperor, due to his father and several elder brothers dying in an airship accident. Or was it?
Words I Had To Look Up:
Cantrip and emendation.
She quirked an eyebrow at him. "Still listening?" "Yes," he said. "You are patience itself." ...
The Cemeteries of Amalo #2. Also #3 in The Goblin Emperor series, I suppose. I enjoyed this fantasy mystery very much, just like I did the first book I read. I'm intrigued by the bits of technology mentioned, the coin-operated gas metering in his squalid apartment, the pneumatic messaging tubes at work, the occasional airship. One thing is, I keep thinking of Thara as a woman, why is that?
"Photographers, like other undesirables, keep very late hours,"
The Goblin King Book 2. A priest (of sorts) investigates deaths in the course of their duties. A really good read, I'm looking forward to reading the other ones in the series.