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Books for
Weir, Andy


Weir, Andy
Artemis is a city on the moon, and consists of several bubbles. The main character is a woman I thought was a seventeen-year-old girl for most of the book. She nearly kills everyone, but (SPOILER) ends up saving everyone from her almost killing them. Not a complicated story, and maybe the writing could be a little more better, but it did the job and was fun to read. I may even give The Martian a try!



Project Hail Mary

Weir, Andy
Earth's sun is threatened by some space-creature that eats it, or something. Grace (last name) goes on a one-way trip to another star to see why it isn't threatened. Very good story, lots of science, but very readable. Great ending.



The Martian

Weir, Andy
An enjoyable story of a stranded astronaut. Rather techy, but I mostly just skip over that stuff!


3 books displayed
[Weir - Weir] 
