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Books for
Jemisin, N. K.

The Broken Kingdoms

Jemisin, N. K.
Book two of the trilogy, it takes place ten years later with a different main character, a blind woman named Oree. It was pretty good, then it got a whole lot better at the end.



The City We Became

Jemisin, N. K.
First book in series. The city of New York is under attack and the avatars of the borough (who didn't know they were the avatars of the boroughs) work together (mostly) to repel the Enemy. Pretty good, and certainly different!



The Fifth Season

Jemisin, N. K.
First book in the The Broken Earth series. Very nice storytelling. Some people have the power to control the earth, like stopping earthquakes and volcanoes. Seem vaguely Earth-like, we shall see what happens!



The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

Jemisin, N. K.
Book one of The Inheritance Trilogy. Yeine is summoned, by her estranged grandfather, to the ruling city were he is effectively the ruler of pretty much everything. Really good, I'm looking forward to the next book.



The Obelisk Gate

Jemisin, N. K.
The second book in the Broken Earth series. Pretty good, but I didn't weep reading this book.



The Stone Sky

Jemisin, N. K.
Book Three of The Broken Earth trilogy. Everything seems all tied up neatly!


6 books displayed
[Jemisin - Jemisin] 
