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Mission To Tibet

Evarts, Hal G.
Tod goes from KP duty to a secret mission to Tibet, due to his knowledge of the local language, having lived in China/Tibet for many most of his life as a missionary's child. Lots of action, an odd ending.



The Universe Versus Alex Woods

Extence, Gavin
A remarkable book about a boy name Alex who gets hit in the head by a meteorite. And that is just the start! A warm and loving story of two friends facing difficult times.


The bathroom was so pokey that you could use the sink, the shower and the toilet all at the same time, though not without consequences.


"Forget about the methane?"


"Autobiography," I corrected "What?"
"A biography is when you write someone else's story. When you write your own, its called an autobiography."
"Fuck you. Do you want a drink?"


2 books displayed
[Ecke - Emerson] [Emerson - Evans] [Evarts - Extence] 
