Pretty good story of a new quartermaster weathering a huge storm on a destroyer during World War II. Written in 1970, the author drops the N-bomb in the subplot involving the heroic efforts by tne Negro CPO mess guy to save the ship during the big blow. A Withdrawn book.
Words I Had To Look Up:
Pelorus -- A fixed compass card on which bearings relative to a ship's heading are taken.
The Emir plans to blowup a nuclear device down in Yucca Flats. Among other things. Jack Jr. is on the job, along with the rest of the gang from previous books. Very long. Some odd typos. Lots of action!
Jack Ryan is president, the Iranians try to kill the USA with Ebola virus, the Indians are irritating, and the Chinese are inscrutible. Follows Debt of Honor, precedes Rainbow Six.
With co-author Mark Greaney. Terrorists steal a couple of nukes from Pakistan. Jack Jr. dates a woman who inexplicably turns out to be spying him. Some annoying right-wing views. Everyone who is liberal is bad, everyone conservative is good. Tedious. But not as bad as that John Ringo book. But, I keep reading 'em!
The Infernal Devices, Book One. Good story of magic and such in Victorian London. Prequel series to the Mortal Instruments. I don't know if I want to read any more, though.
OK, so I read the Readers Digest Condensed version, sue me! Good story, don't know why I'm prejudiced about her books. I've read two, they were both good. Maybe it's just something about Mary...
I read this a zillion years ago, and am so happy I read it again! This is classic, great science fiction, IMHO. A tourist tour "boat" becomes trapped under the dust in a lunar sea.
An Arsonit's Guide To Writers' Homes In New England
A rather good book about a guy named Sam who just got out of prison for accidentally burning down Emily Dickinson's home, and two people with it.
And maybe this was another reason people read: not so that they would feel less lonely, but so that other people would think they looked less lonely with a book in their hands and therefore not pity them and leave them alone.
A boy writes to the author of a book he read. Very good. Read it before back in the eighties. MIGHT BE NICE IF I HAD SPELLED THE AUTHORS LAST NAME CORRECTLY!