This alternate universe story was...OK, but I didn't think it was as good as the rest of the series.
"Girl Scout Cookies," he announced. "There is a child in this building, just a little bit of a thing, and it is her ambition to outself all the other members of her coven."
"I think they call it a troop," Carolyn said.
The last hike boosted the sales tax to 8 1/4 percent, and there are people who can figure out that sort of thing in their heads, but they probably can't pick locks. God gives us all different talents and we do what we can with them.
Well, I kinda figured out who did it, but on the other hand I didn't see those two who were gonna do it. If you know what I mean.
"...An old man like that, you worry about his heart, or maybe he had a fall, things like that. The guy was seventy-one."
"I didn't realize he was that old."
"Yeah, seventy-one..."
Matthew Scudder #1. I must of read this before 1998 because it isn't on my list of books read, and I know I read a ton of the Matthew Scudder books. Well, they are so excellent that I can just read them again!!
Matthew Scudder, #2. Scudder is drinking in this one, I guess he hasn't started AA yet. An acquaintance, a blackmailer, is murdered and Scudder finds himself trying to figure out who done it. Great story!
I got to my feet and brushed myself off. I was shaking, and badly rattled. She said, "Mister, if you could spare..." then her eyes clouded slightly and she frowned at some private puzzlement. "No," she said. "You just gave me money, didn't you? I'm very sorry. It's difficult to remember." -- So touching!!.