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Snitch Jacket

Goffard, Christopher
Suckered in the title, and then the jacket, with its threatening hairy 'Nam vet grasping a bottle of brew. Interesting story, lots of cursing, laugh out loud funny in parts, but over all a sad story, with a downer ending. But a nice sendup of Burning Man.

Words I Had To Look Up:

studies in American Toughguy manqué (pg. 158) -- Unfulfilled or frustrated in realizing an ambition.
Snopes Cow (pg. 180) -- Some sort of weird Faulkner reference. See, this is why this book is good, now I gotta read Faulkner!

Smoke Quote:

He carried a BIC lighter in his sweaty palm, like s sick man with his hand on the call nurse's button. (pg. 16)

Bike Quote:

The law requires you to ride right there on the blacktop... This I refuse to do... Still,when I saw screeching near-misses between cars and people stupid enough to pedal their $3,000, space-alloy machines in the 'bike lane' -- I call it the suicide lane -- I rooted instinctively for the car. (pg. 52)


'Where You Can Be An Individual!'™ (pg. 191)


