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Where There's A Will

Elkins, Aaron
Gideon travels to Hawaii to assist yet another of John's extensive circle of friends and/or relatives. This time it's the cattle ranchers John used to work for.

Words I Had To Look Up:

cuneiform (pg. 93) -- I thought it was a form of ancient writing, but now I know there are some foot bones called that.


But no, the used Grumman Cheetah had come without a GPS in 1986--...and Gus had flown it just fine for eighteen years without seeing the need for them... (pg. 6) -- Let us see, 1986 plus 18 years equals 2004. But this chapter takes place in 1994. The Cheetah was first built in 1976, maybe it's just a typo. But then, it says "used".


